COVID-19 & Our Commitment to Keeping Patients Healthy

cartoon tooth

cartoon tooth
In an effort to protect our amazing patients, staff, and community in regards to COVID-19, we are closely monitoring guidelines from CDC, the UT Department of Health and the recommendations of the American Dental Association current adjustments are as follows:

    • In addition to our strict “universal precautions” for keeping our office clean, we are frequently wiping down all surfaces and have removed all magazines, toys, and coffee station items from our waiting room.
    • If you have traveled out of the country within the last two weeks, we ask that you reschedule your appointment for at least three weeks out.
    • If you have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has shown signs and symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that you reschedule your appointment at least three weeks out.
    • If you have any symptoms of fever, cough, or feeling ill, please reschedule your appointment for at least three weeks out.
    • Please limit visitors you bring with you to your appointment to one person. We ask the accompanying visitor to follow all precautions above regarding travel, contact with a positive COVID-19 individual, and illness. If you are unable to accommodate this request at the time of your appointment we are happy to reschedule you for a better time.
    • To allow further protection for our patients, you have the option to call or text the office when you arrive for your appointment. When we are ready to seat you for your appointment we will come out to your vehicle directly or text/call you to let you know. We hope this will decrease the amount of patients waiting in the waiting area and add additional protection to high risk patients.

dentist with covid-19 mask for protection

We want you to know that we are taking every precaution necessary to keep you safe. Your health and safety is of the absolute highest importance to all of us at Genesis Dental. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of our offices.

Our Sister Practices

We are committed to keeping our patients safe and healthy! All of our Genesis Dental locations throughout Northern Utah and Kansas plus our sister practices are united in making sure you have a safe experience. Our sister practices include

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